Sunday, February 26, 2012

Project 366 -- Day 57

February 26th.

Winter: the season for finding beauty even in dying nature (in this case, crape myrtle seed pods).

Project 366 -- Days 50-56

February 19th-25th.

This was an unusual week. First of all, I forgot to take pictures on a couple of days (the 19th and the 24th, if you require full disclosure). To make up for each of these, I took two pictures on the following day. But because of the nature of the pictures that I took, I won't be posting them in order.

It was the evening of the 20th, and I was at a loss for what the subject of my daily picture should be. Everywhere I looked was pretty much nothing but a mess. So... I decided to do something I've never really done before. I took a picture of the mess. Not only did this give me my picture for the day, but it also gave me some motivation to clean up the mess. And the cleaned-up mess gave me my picture for the following day! I liked this deal.

So, here we are...

Living room. This may look like one of the biggest messes in this series, but it was actually the quickest to clean up. Unless of course you count putting away those children who are sitting on the couch in the first picture. ;-)

Kitchen: cooking side. What you can't see here is the massive pile of dishes in the kitchen sink. This one took a while. Amazing how much clean counters can boost one's mood, though!

Guest bedroom / room where I dump all my clean-but-unfolded laundry. These baskets are actually all sorted out by child / category (socks, towels, bedding, etc.). And it doesn't include mine and the hubby's piles. You should have seen the mountain before I sorted it all out!

As you can imagine, this one took by far the longest to take care of. But I'd taken the "before" picture, and darn it, I wasn't going to take an "after" picture until I'd properly taken care of all that laundry! Thankfully, I had help from the hubby over the weekend, and we actually got it done!! I haven't had ALL my clean laundry put away since... oh... I don't know... ever?! I normally just sort it out into piles like this and then pull things out as I need them. ...Wow, this post is really getting pretty revealing about my everyday life, isn't it? :-p

Kitchen: dining area. My table never stays as clear as the "after" picture for very long... but now I have a picture of how nice it looks to motivate myself to clean it up more often. (Maybe.)

Aaaand that's a wrap!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Project 366 -- Day 49

February 18th.

Unusually gorgeous outside today. We are not accustomed to seeing such beautiful spring-like weather in the middle of February, so we took the opportunity to take the girls to the park. And I took the opportunity to practice my photography outside for the first day in a long while. YAY!

Project 366 -- Day 48

February 17th.

All the little "mommies" have gone to bed, so the strollers sit idle for a few hours.

Project 366 -- Day 47

February 16th.

My kids almost NEVER fall asleep anywhere other than their beds or their carseats. Little Miss P must have been especially exhausted today, because she fell asleep right where she was sitting on the couch watching TV this afternoon.

Project 366 -- Day 46

February 15th.

Roses from the hubby.

Project 366 -- Day 45

February 14th.

The big girls hard at work, helping Mommy make a lemon meringue pie for Daddy for Valentine's Day. ♥

Project 366 -- Day 44

February 13th.

Warming things up for Valentine's Day.

Project 366 -- Day 43

February 12th.

Three kiddos watchin' TV... well, except for the one who decided to actually look at the camera and smile. :-)

Project 366 -- Day 42

February 11th.

Princess occasionally trades in her crown for a beanie.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Project 366 -- Day 41

February 10th.

A reminder that Little Miss P ain't the only crazy kid around here...

Project 366 -- Day 40

February 9th.

Sweet Pea tossing balls down the stairs. What else?

Project 366 -- Day 39

February 8th.


Project 366 -- Day 38

February 7th. (Picture actually taken on the 8th.)

Remember that story from the post for the 6th? Yeah. Ditto. Another make-up picture.

My almost-6-years-old wedding bouquet. (Like many brides these days, I used a decoy for the bouquet toss.) I still think it's beautiful.

Project 366 -- Day 37

February 6th. (Picture actually taken on the 8th.)

So remember how I had a great excuse when I forgot to take a picture one day last month? Well, this time, I don't. I just... well... forgot. So here is a make-up picture from a couple days later.

I know I need to expand my picture-taking horizons beyond just people, so I tried a few of some things around my house. Well, that was one reason anyway... the other one being that all my human subjects were already in bed when I remembered to take a picture.

These are my girls' little wicker rocking chairs. Got these at a yard sale one day for a little bit of nothing, and they have been some of my favorite things around the house ever since.

Project 366 -- Day 36

February 5th.

Little Miss P havin' a snuggle with Daddy.

Project 366 -- Day 35

February 4th.

Playin' Sorry.

The girls generally like to play WITH games more than actually playing games as they are meant to be played. Here they are playing with all their "guys," who are either friends or some sort of parent / child relationships. I guess as a mother, I must call them "Honey" fairly often, because their mother characters often speak of their children as their "Honeys." :-)

Project 366 -- Day 34

February 3rd.

Little Miss P saying her goodnight prayers with her Daddy.

Project 366 -- Day 33

February 2nd.

Three cuties in pink.

(Princess is not that much taller than Little Miss P in real life. Either she was wearing heeled shoes in this picture, or LMP was slouching, or both.)

Project 366 -- Day 32

February 1st.

Three cuties in the bathtub.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Project 366 -- Day 31

January 31st.

Most often, I take fairly complete pictures of people and objects that I consider beautiful. But occasionally, it is the little details that capture my attention. On this day, it was the little beads of water that collected on my hair in the shower.

(I did dry off and cover up before I actually took the picture, just so you know. Don't want to be scandalizing anyone here. ;-))

Project 366 -- Day 30

January 30th.

So I guess in my girls' little world, Mary (mother of Jesus), a Hawaiian vacationer, and an ice cream vending cow decided to take a trip together in a pink school bus. Makes perfect sense.

You can see the various characters a little better in this picture:

Project 366 -- Day 29

January 29th.

I actually managed to sneak a decent picture of the hubby. Score. ;-)

Project 366 -- Day 28

January 28th.

Sweet Pea enjoying one of her favorite activies... looking at books. Which is always made better when the book is about Dora. I thought we might be finally getting past the Dora stage with the older two, but Sweet Pea has suddenly developed a Dora obsession. One of these days... :-)

Project 366 -- Day 27

January 27th.

Crazy kid. She takes after her daddy. Except that he doesn't walk around mostly naked 90% of the time. (Cannot keep clothes on that child...)

Project 366 -- Day 26

January 26th.

Next project... Get pictures on the walls.

I was SO excited when I received these prints in the mail. I've never put one of my own photographs any bigger than a 4x6 up on my wall. These are 11x14. I love them so.

I'm hoping to get some smaller ones to place around these in a sort of collage one of these days...

Project 366 -- Day 25

January 25th.

I've been attempting to do a little decorating around my home lately... Y'know, 'cause we've lived in this house for over 3 years and still barely have any pictures on the walls, let alone anything else. Yeah... pretty sad.

My first project was to get some curtains up in our living room...

One project down... approximately 563 projects to go. Give or take a few hundred.