Okay, I couldn't resist entering when the theme is "hilarious outtakes." I'm sure every mother says this, but my kids are pretty goofy little characters and are still at the age where they're not afraid to show it. So I get quite a few pics that show plenty of personality.
This is my now 15-month-old when she was about 3 months. Is momma really that scary??!
This one was taken during a Christmas picture session. Daddy was trying to make my older daughter smile by making silly faces, but she apparently thought she was supposed to copy him...
And uhh... this one was just a random zoning moment. ;-)
My older daughter when she was about a year old. Yep, she's a boozer.
And this is my younger daughter at about 3 months again... I have NO IDEA where she came up with this face, but she kept doing it, so naturally we had to get it on film!
I think they get it from their dad.
Check out iheartfaces to find lots more hilarious pics, and join in the fun!!