My entry for this week's theme of "no flash" is this picture of my younger daughter. I once did this with her sister (taking pictures of her in a laundry basket) when she was about the same age, and I loved the results so much that I thought I would try it again. :-)

I love her little expression, and the way she is obviously smiling but hiding it behind the towel she's holding. (She's at the stage where everything in her reach automatically goes into her mouth.)
I took this photo in the light of the window in her room, which is reflected a bit in her eyes. I actually very rarely even use my flash, because my camera is not the nicest and the flash is not very good. I usually think the results of flash pictures look unnatural, so I prefer to use natural light when I can. I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out myself, but I would love to hear your comments / critiques. :-)
Oh, and be sure to check out all the other great entries at!