My entry for the Adults' category on iHeartFaces this week (B&W theme) is a photo from my sister-in-law's wedding reception. I love the expression on her husband's face as they dance their first dance. It's like they're off in their own little world. This is also one of the few photos that I really like much better in black and white. It brings out the shadows and points of light more clearly, not to mention highlighting the contrast of white and black on the bride and groom. Maybe not the most amazing photo ever, but I like it. :-)

Be sure to check out all the other entries at iheartfaces.blogspot.com!
Oh, and I love comments!! Constructive criticism is welcome as well.

As my entry for the iHeartFaces Kids' category this week (B&W theme), I chose this photo of my daughter. I love the expression on her face as she pauses for a peaceful second in the middle of her exploratory rampage about the backyard.
I added a twinge of graininess to the picture, as I thought the B&W theme could call for an old-fashioned feel. Not sure if I pulled it off or not... oh well. :-)

At the time of this posting, there are only about 60 entries so far (out of the usual 200+), and I'd say there are already a Top Ten to be had among those. So, I have no delusions of grandeur with this photo... but I figure, why not?! It's fun! And I love to hear from those of you who visit, so please leave me a comment! (Constructive criticism is welcome. I have a comparatively amateurish camera, so I can only do so much with it, but I appreciate any tips you might have.)
And be sure to check out all the other great entries and join the fun at iheartfaces.blogspot.com!

My entry for the KIDS category.
I was getting my little girl dressed one morning, when she started being so irresistibly cute that I could not resist getting my camera out to capture it. Here is one moment I caught of her looking up into my eyes with such sweet awe, almost as if she is wondering how I got to be her mother. (Sometimes I ask myself the same question!)
Be sure to join in the fun at iheartfaces.blogspot.com!
I am no professional photographer, but I am always learning and getting inspired when I visit places like Kelly's photography blog. Kelly recently started a project / contest called the 4:8 Project, based on Philippians 4:8. Somehow I missed the information on this contest earlier on, so my entry is a little late. But here goes anyway. :-)My entry for the word "Right" --
This is a photo of my wedding bouquet, reflected in the cherry wood of our coffee table. It reminds me of many things that are right. My marriage, since God designed just the right person for me and me for him. My wedding day, the culmination of our courtship, all of which God brought about at just the right time. The continuation of our relationship -- Just as these flowers have quickly changed and grown older, my husband and I have been through a lot of things that changed us quite rapidly. Yet we have weathered the storms, and to me, both these flowers and our relationship are more beautiful than ever, and will last a lifetime. I know that God orchestrated it all, and thus again, it is "right." Finally, just as these flowers are reflected in the wood, I hope that we learn to reflect our Righteous God more and more as the days go by.
I found this contest through a friend's blog and thought I would join in. :-) Photography has always been a hobby of mine, so though I am not a pro, I have a lot of fun with it. My normal blog is private, so I started this one to display some of my photographic experiments, and in particular, to enter this contest. :-) Please check out some of the other entries at http://iheartfaces.blogspot.com!
I didn't have time to get to the kids' entry (and there are already TONS in there anyway), but here is my entry for the ADULTS category. The week's theme is silly. This is a picture of my husband being silly with one of our little girls. (He is a pro at getting her to laugh!)